Revisiting Oregon has always been on my to-do-list
Since our last visit in 2014, I have always dreamt of coming back
Since we moved up to NorCal, the 10hrs up crazy drive has shorten to 8 hrs!
Not too bad right, we arrived at Bend, Oregon on our second day of trip
See, all the girls are having a blast
but Tiru was like "can we go now?!"
And went off without waiting for us lollllllll
Ha, the sun wasnt really out, but the weather was comfy for our Californiers
So we constantly buried the girls in the snow lolll
Certainly a great place for us!
I do have to stay the last trip to the all snowy place was in Colorado, and we were almost freezed to death!
But this weather was perfect for us, NO DOGS' PAW AMPUTEED!
We spent a few hours in the woods and the hoomans were starving!!!
Our little family trip, to be continued.....