Our trip on Day 2 was even more rewarding with this view.
We'd planned to stay in Lake Tahoe for 2 nights but couldnt get a room in last minute.
So we drove south towards home and spent the second day in Mammoth Lakes.
We have been in Mammoth for sooooo many times!!!! But its the first time we found this awesome rental company
which has stand-up paddleboat and kayak for renting ($25/hour). Pretty reasonable right.
Since Tiru is considered as a disability dog, kayaking is a right fit for him!
Actaeas and his mom were brave enough to be the first one to start with the SUP.
I kept on thinking they might falll sometime XDDD
We put Tissue in another kayak so Tinkerbell cried the whole trip trying to get reunion with her sister.
I don't even know you love her so much....
Haha, they seemed to be overloaded.
Mom enjoyed so much spending this moment with my precious son.
I have long wanted to try kayak with my fur babies and and now we have achieved!
Tiru went for her ACL surgery right after the trip. Hey prince, get well soon and we will get back to our journey okie!
Later on Tiru joined my friend for the SUP and I'm left with Tissue.
Oh, until now did I realize that Tiru is such a pro surfing boy!!!!!
We should have tried this much earlier.
Ha, 一個搭媽媽船都想要去找別人的概念,媽媽就這摸不討喜?
踢修也想去坐 SUP啦!
Rentals in June Lake: http://www.mammothkayaks.com/
Other dog friendly rentals (boat) in Mammoth Lakes area: http://www.saddlebaglakeresort.com/
Enjoyed~ :)