has been a long while since we went out for a family trip...
we are just as lazy as we used to be since Actaeas is still in the recovery process... took all the kids to the beach during labor's day weekend...
sadly it is the ON LEASH MONTH...wth.....and i forgot to bring my memeory card... we ended up with no photos.....
finally, daddy is back from abandoning us (?!) we finally made our family trip after a month!!!
see how happyyyy all the girls were!!!!!!! (and yes tiffy had already gone out of the view)
well...we are in the process of training Tinker playing fetch IN THE WATER...
in order to make things more fun...i brought two crabs (ya mini crab for Tinker) and 2 footballs...
these doxie dumplings are wayyyy tooo cute!!!!
I just love how they swim!!!
Baby Tinker doesn't seem to love water that much as her sis Tissue...
but still...she is willing to swim for around 3 rounds...before calling the end
Tissue isnt a good swimmer at this age (six months)! so i do have a high expectation on baby Tinker!!!
seemed that this little girl was having a large interest in Baby Tinker...
she followed her all the way from the water and swimmed with her to the shore
Tissue was so handsome that day!!!!! she is getting soooo much better in swimming...
she just keeps improving every year every time we went for a swim!!!
Nothing can be compared as losing her favorate toys (little crab and the football)!
Tiffy still enjoying performing "breaking" at the beach...
and certainly soaked into the water in this SoCal sunny day!!!
Just love this picture!!!! Love how the girls followed their mom whenever I go!! (or follow the toys....)
oooops...thats Tiru in the right!!! forgot to mention ya he was here that day as well!
Tinker is getting more and more like a wiener dog! though her ear is still short and small
(but u are still the cutest and the special one!)
how brave she was at the beach (considering she is just a 6-month puppy weigh less than 3.2kg)
dumpling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well....i guess dashchunds are just great swimmers!
Baby Tinker is just like her sis...loving this old football...
and the same...the football is just too large for them to be picked up in the water
well...Tinker u had chased the ball all the way to the shore.....
Finally got it!!!!!
well...they do look exactly the same, dont they??!!!!
Tiffy really knows how to keep herself dry ALL THE TIME!!! well...thats better for me so as not to take a shower for her!
oh...Tinker doesnt really play breaking...only when she was wet haha
hi Tiru...i almost forgot u were here...orz...
saw a super cute(!!!) puppy...though I wasn't that sure if he was a white golden retreiver? or?
(just cant resist large dog....i want to have "some" eventually!)
all the girls were having so much fun in the water!! (ya..tiru is a boy not belonging to girl category)
Tinker was trying to reach us (i kinda feel like she loves daddy more than me?)
anyway...though she was terrified...she still managed to get herself in the water!
oh well...was that 瞳靈眼? kinda scary u know?
well....Tinker is just another 爸寶 walking towards us even though terrified...
ok....i guessed this was your only play time that day...u were such a lazy dog!!
all gals in the water!!! Tinker again was trying to reach us!
ooooppps....i guessed she failed this round!
well...i guess u will eventually turn into an elite swimmer!!!
Or i guess not....hahahaha!!!
Walk-by people thought that we were torturing Baby Tinker to swim against the tide...?!
but well...i didnt force her though....i proud that my baby is brave and handsome (?!)
she didnt follow us in the second round...guess that she did have a choice
Tiffy was still enjoying the sand, making herself as dirty as possible!
I should have sent Tissue for football classes
she should turn out to be a pretty good athlete (based on her muscular body....)
or should I send both of the gals there...haha!
The doggy shadows were way cuterrrr than the dogs themselves!!!!!!!!!!!
All the gals stopped playing after a while, Tinker was too cold, Tiru didn't really play attall...
Tissue was the one fetching her toys all the time!!
I am going to end this with a nice posing of Tinker!
Autumn is finally coming in SoCal, and I can't wait for Winter to comeeeeeeeeee!
(It was a warm winter last year, I hope that this year wouldnt be the same :( )
hope that we do have a little more time to play in the water before summer ends~~~~