150124 A week before Tissue 3rd Birthday!!!!!
Mommy decided to 老梗 taking her to Pepperdine University for the b'day party!!!
Bought a cake from The Dog Bakery "AGAIN"
I have to say I did some hw this time searching for new cakes....
however it ended up that I went to a new pet store which sells cakes from THE DOG BAKERY....
arrggwww.....Tissue ended up having the same cakes for 3 years (hehehe...)
These are the birthday presents we bought for her this year
The tough-chew dragon, wet Wubba, and the chew chew that the two little girls are always obessed with
I have looooooong wanted a wet Wubba, but you can tell it only comes with size LARGE
and I dont really have a waterdog nor a retriever nor any girls liking the small size wubba....
anyway, I still decided to get a wet Wubba to complete my dream (ahrr? isnt it Tissue's birthday not yours)
Back again, the five star golf lawn!!!
Actaeas didn't join us today (sadly :()
but wait, we did have a new companion!!!!!!!!!!! Landy the real RETRIEVER!!!!!!!!!
(yes, I am counting in Act's mom as WE haha)
Here comes Landy the handsome retriever and his dad! Welcome to our crazy-exploring-california family~~
Did anyone spot the "little water monster" (yes, you have to translate this to make sense) in the lake!!!
I swear there is someone inside you have to look closely!
See, here comes the little water monster!!! (chasing the ducks...oooppsss...hopefully the ranger isn't nearby)
And you see you see you see!!! My Wubba came into effect!!!
someone retrieved the Wubba (okie..seriously,,,he is not your dog)
Tinkerbell dares not get into the water...I am SUPER DISAPPOINTED!!!!
Tinkerbell will only chase her sis till the shore and stay crying on the shore....
This is not what I have planned!!!!! I have wanted 2 water-dachshund!!!!
The two of them really resemble each other in many different ways!
Look at the tails
Still 95% alike
Or 100% I should say....Tinkerbell u are such a copy cat! Why not going into the water as your sis?
Oh did I mention how strong the wind was that day!!!!!
I couldn't even stand still, couldn't open my eyes
and the wind NEVER STOPPED!!!!!!!
crazy......(not sure if I would ever come back due to the strong wind)
honestly, we didnt have a decent time that day
I was hoping that Tinker or Tissue would be blown away by the wind anytime
I guess they are just too short and close to the wind...that the wind has no effect on them?
Fly~Here it flies the Tinker
And here comes the flying Tissue!!!
Haha,,,aint them becoming more and more like sisters
Landy was not interested in any of the girls AT ALL
All he saw was water, toy, and retrieved.
Hey, we do have young chicks, middle-aged chick, and mature little old chick
how did you not interested at all?
Oh well, everyone might have thought Tiru didnt come today
He was just happily sleeping in the sandy area (golf course) enjoying his sun-bathing
Ok, here came th fun part, Tiru should be awoken by now?
Happy birthday my beloved baby girl, Tissue!!!!!!
It was a disaster that our place is under remodeling now. The closet has been closed down for the construction
All the party stuff are in the closet....and we could only have a boring party this time.....
Sorry Tissue but I assume you wont care since birthday cake is the main part?
We gave Landy a large cake since I was not going to let the girls eat too much XDD
(they already got extra breakfast that day!)
Landy snapped the cake in a second, before his dad gave it to him
and yes the cake disappeared in a second, haha, i guess that what large dogs are supposed to do
Tiny Tinker, how dare you stand aside the big guy and trying to get a bite of the cake
aint u afraid you might be eaten accidentally
Tissue having her share!
Not sure why they enjoy lining up recently
(A little sorry that we had the cake on this semi golf course..I hope the girls did a nice job cleaning up)
(or I could only hope the rain would come recently)
Spotted these tiny flags and thought it would be great for tiny Tinker to have a pic
but there was just no way we could ask Tiru to get out of the way......
The wind...was still not STOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I am done. I am leaving and not coming back!
Oh but before we leave, group pic is a MUST!!! Its so amazing the see the girls NOT barking at Landy!
================= WARNING: PICTURES COMING ARE WAY TOO CUTEEEEEE ===============
As usual, birthday party always ends with some heart warming pic of the pup
How lonely our little Tissue was!
Her white tail took my heart 3 years ago
Greedy Tissue took Tiru's bowl....I dont ever remember you enjoy kibble that much?
Well, I have to say Tissue has the most beautiful eyes among the sisters
Most of our friends actually said she is the cutest!
(but I guess they never know she is the most ferocious)
Well, it has been a tough time training this girl. We did take her to puppy classes.
It didn't really help until the personal trainer came.
BUT, I felt that Tissue isn't that happy and I have to admit that I am really strict on her
There is nothing for me to pick on her behavior issue right now, but she isn't as happy anymore :(
So I guess I will make your birthday wishes for you:
More smile, more love, more food?
Tissue really resembled Tiru when she was a puppy XDD
People always asked if Tiru was the father XDDDDDDDDDD
Did you see this high self-confidence little fella... (around 6 months)
Mom has been working really hard to constrain her bad temper
Coz I need to be the Alpha!!!!!!
Then she is now afraid of me and doesn't like to hang out around us :(
Though she still sneaks in the blanket and sleeps with me every night :P
Let's get more of your happy faces this year, ok dear?
Mom loves you, dad loves you, the whole family loves you!
We will treat you as good as possible
(as long as you stop your aggressiveness toward your sis and large dogs) --> 對是有條件的 XDDD