The first day to our trip to Yosemite
First time for Tinkerbell's visit, second time for Tiru & Tiffy, and third time for Tissue!
The sky got a little dark by the time we arrived.....we didnt do alot of things on the first day
Well, although not a good shot, but I suppose its just NECESSARY to take a picture
with half dome since we were here....
The REAL look of half dome!
Like I said last time, the trees here are different from those in Mammoth, Bishop
The shape is prettier and the color gets a little brownish...
Still, a perfect match for our HANDSOME tiru...haha
(everything looks handsome on him)
Look, how GAINT the leaf was!!!!!!!!!!! The one right infront of Tiffy!!
There were thousands of fallen leaves...most of them still sustained that bright yellow
I took one home and now it still stays perfectly on my car (of course the color faded....)
Tissue really looks like a little elf in the woods!
so does Tinkerbell (although she looked just a little too funny which I cant describe in words)
Nice shot Mr. Photograher!!
We moved to the next spot and we were losing the sunlight!!!!!
Wait for us!!!!!! This is one of the best spot I love in Yosemite
Just amazed by the view!!
This time we borrowed a few extra lens from our friend
I really want to get a fixed focal lens! Like a 135mm or 85mm
So this time I tried out the 100mm. Sadly, it was a off-leash place and its hard to capture any of them with the 100mm lens....
But the truth is....I dont have any money left to get a new lens.....
Tiffy almost spent my money on all the vet checks......
Tiru not bad doing that as well :(
Well, I guess i really want one (ok I know these phots aint decent...but its becoz they were not off-leashhhhh ha....)
(I am just trying to get all the excuses haha)
Hey Tiffy I know you are going to be more healthy and mom will then have extra money OK?!
Sunlight is everything to a photo...its still a nice shot though
Last as always, family group pic :)
Unfortunately Actaeas got a muscle cramp around the time we took the shot
Guess its just too cold for him and he will definitely need to WEAR A (SILLY) PANT to our coming trip in Oregon!
(haha...yeah...I am mean and I will laugh at u Actaeas :p)
- Dec 03 Wed 2014 03:56
楓 Day 1.Yosemite Chasing the Fall~~